Saturday, April 28, 2012


Here's the results of the AK Tournament organised by Timezone at Compass Point on 28 Apr 2012.

Adult Category
Round 1
1) Master Leo vs 2) Galleon - Galleon won
3) Galleon vs 4) Master Leo - Master Leo won
5) Master Leo vs 6) Atlas - Master Leo won
7) Ninja Trained Siegfried vs 8) Scorch - Scorch won
9) Atlas vs 10) Ninja Trained Siegfried - Atlas won
11) Master Icarus vs 12) Ninja Trained Siegfried - Ninja Trained Siegfried won
13) Ninja Trained Siegfried vs 14) Ninja Trained Siegfried - 13) Ninja Trained Siegfried won
15) Master Leo vs 16) Galleon - Galleon won

Round 2 
2) Galleon vs 4) Master Leo - Galleon won
5) Master Leo vs 8) Scorch - Master Leo won
9) Atlas vs 12) Ninja Trained Siegfried - Atlas won
13) Ninja Trained Siegfried vs 16) Galleon - Galleon won

2) Galleon vs 5) Master Leo - Galleon won
9) Atlas vs 16) Galleon - Galleon won

2) Galleon (Master & Pupil & AS all big) vs 16) Galleon (Master & Pupil & Great Comet lucky chance) - 16) Galleon won champion

Congrats to Andy Choo for winning the Gold Champion in the Adult Category.

Children Category
Round 1 
5) Hercules Beetle vs 6) Death Scorch - Hercules Beetle won
7) Ninja Trained Siegfried vs 8) Master Leo - Master Leo won
9) Death Scorch vs 10) Ninja Trained Siegfried - Death Scorch won
11) Ninja Trained Siegfried vs 12) Ninja Trained Siegfried - 11) Ninja Trained Siegfried won
13) Master Leo vs 14) Master Leo - 14) Master Leo won
15) Kaiser Coral vs 16) Ninja Trained Siegfried - Kaiser Coral won

Round 2
2) Kaiser Coral vs 4) Ninja Trained Siegfried - Ninja Trained Siegfried won
5) Kaiser Coral vs 8) Ninja Trained Siegfried - Kaiser Coral won
9) Death Scorch vs 11) Ninja Trained Siegfried - Death Scorch won
14) Master Leo vs 15) Kaiser Coral - Kaiser Coral won

4) Ninja Trained Siegfried vs 5) Kaiser Coral - Ninja Trained Siegfried won
9) Death Scorch vs 15) Kaiser Coral - Death Scorch won

4) Ninja Trained Siegfried vs 9) Death Scorch (completed training & black hole resurrection) - D scorch won champion

Congrats to Oh Wen Lin for winning the Gold Champion in Children Category.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Evo 3 normal card set has the best sales so far among all the AK versions. I have already sold 12 sets of normal card todate (6 Jun 2012) in eBay.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Thursday, April 5, 2012

AK Tournaments on 28 Apr 12 & 12 May 12 at Various Timezone Outlets

Timezone will be holding tournaments on 28 April 2012 & 12 May 2012 at various Timezone outlets as shown in the poster below.
Registration start 12 April 2012.

Above 16 years old category is available at the following outlets:
1) Compass Point (28 Apr 12)
2) Northpoint (28 Apr 12)
3) West Mall (28 Apr 12)
4) Tampines Mall (12 May 12)
5) Vivocity (12 May 12)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012