Monday, March 10, 2014


Here are the highlights of the Timezone AK tournament at Compass Point on 8 Mar 2014 (Sat).

Children Category (Start at 11am)

9 Participants in the Children Category

The final match is between Armageddon Vertus (Friends Forever + Alien Egg Gold-Lucky Chance) and Zangetsu (Essence of Ancient Art + Crashing Moon-All T).
The winner is Armageddon Vertus won by Ethan.
Congrats to Ethan for winning the Gold Champion and Chin Yang for winning the Silver Champion.

Children Category: Gold Champion, Ethan (Left) and Silver Champion, Chin Yang

The video of the final match between Armageddon Vertus and Zangetsu.

Adult Category (Start at 12 noon)

9 Participants in the Adult Category

As I was not there to watch the final match so I don't know the combo both of the winners using.
But I know who are the Champion and Runner-up.
Congrats to Wilfred for winning the Gold Champion and Wendy for winning the Silver Champion.

Adult Category: Gold Champion, Wilfred (Centre) and Silver Champion, Wendy (Right)

Winning Combo and the Prizes for the Children Category

The Champions in other Timezone outlets:

Causeway Point Children Champion

Causeway Point Children Runner-up

Causeway Point Adult Champion

Causeway Point Adult Runner-up

West Mall Children Champion

West Mall Children Runner-up

Parkway Parade Adult Champion and Runner-up