Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Congrats to the winners in the GAK Tournaments held at OmOcha!!World at Plaza Singapura on 24 Oct 2015 and THANKS to OmOcha!!World for organising the tournaments.

Also Congrats to all the lucky draw winners.

Here are the results.

1st session:
Champion - Edmund (1st winner of the GAK Limited Edition Mug)
2nd - Kang HN

1st session: Champion is Edmund (right) and 2nd is Kang HN

2nd session:
Champion - Melvin
2nd - Kang HN

2nd session: Champion is Melvin (right) and 2nd is Kang HN

3rd session:
Champion - Leong WH
2nd - Jacky

3rd session: Champion is Leong WH (left) and 2nd is Jacky

Prizes for the lucky draw and the tournament's winners

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