Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Congrats to the winners in the the Animal Kaiser Tournament held at OmOcha!! World at One KM Mall on 27 May 2017.

1st Session:
Gold Champion - Kang KH
Silver Champion - Goh SM

1st session: Gold Champion is Kang KH (right) and Silver Champion is Goh SM

Video of the final match between 2 Jokers in the 1st session AK Tournament

2nd Session:
Gold Champion - Daniel Tay
Silver Champion - Isaac Lip

2nd session: Gold Champion is Daniel (left) and Silver Champion is Isaac 

Video of the final match between Brutus and Ultimate Fighter Kazuhachi in the 2nd session AK Tournament

Thanks to OmOcha!! World for organising the AK Tournament and Thanks to all the participants for joining.

Sunday, May 7, 2017


OmOcha!! World at One KM Mall will be holding 2 sessions (12.30pm and 3pm) of SAKE Tournament on the following Saturdays:
1) 27 May 2017
2) 3 Jun 2017
3) 10 Jun 2017
4) 17 Jun 2017

Registration Fee: 
Adult - $8
Children (Below 12 years old) - $6

Cards Rarity and ID Card Usage:
27 May 2017
1st session at 12.30pm: Gold Rare and below with ID card and item allowed.
2nd session at 3pm: Ultra Rare and below WITHOUT ID card.

3 Jun 2017
1st session at 12.30pm: Silver Rare and below with ID card and item allowed.
2nd session at 3pm: Ultra Rare and below with ID card and item allowed.

10 Jun 2017
1st session at 12.30pm: S1-S5 Special Rare Fighter card ONLY with silver and below Friend and Miracle cards with ID card and item allowed.
2nd session at 3pm: Ultra Rare and below with ID card and item allowed.

17 Jun 2017
1st session at 12.30pm: Bronze Rare and below with ID card and item allowed.
2nd session at 3pm: Ultra Rare and below WITHOUT ID card.

Prizes for the winners for each session: 
Gold Champion - GAK Special Edition Cards - Kaiser Celeo, Kaiser Bolt, Kaiser Rajan and Lord Hippo King
Silver Champion - GAK Special Edition Cards - Kaiser Blue and Kaiser Icarus
3rd and 4th Place - A set of 2 special edition promotion cards each.

Gold Champion Prizes

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Silver Champion Prizes

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3rd and 4th Place Prizes

There will be a Lucky Draw held at the end of 2nd session. Stand a chance to win SAKE mini card albums, 4-in-1 special edition AK cards and HOR cards.

1) Only original English version AK/GAK/SAKE cards allow.
2) All players are to get ready their card combo before sitting down to compete in the battle tournament. Once seated, the players are not allowed to change their combo anymore.
3) All participants cards will be checked by Tournament Officials before they can be scanned for play.
4) Any participant who displays poor sportsmanship and/or undesirable behaviour will be disqualified.
5) Tournament Officials decision on the result is final and Organiser reserves all rights to amend the rules and prizes without prior notice.