Sunday, September 23, 2012


There is a Super Rare Card Campaign in AK Evo 5.
Collect 5 "Big AK" cards to redeem a super rare card.
There are 5 super rare cards to collect.
1) Normal super rare card - Fake Siegfried
2) Bronze super rare card - Saber-toothed Tiger
3) Silver super rare card - Mecha Lion
4) Gold super rare card - Red Scorpion
5) Ultra super rare card - Galleon

There are 12 packs of super rare cards for each deck of AK Evo 5 for exchange in the arcade stores.
The super rare cards are wrapped in a silver packet. So you do not know what card you will get. If you are lucky, you will get the Galleon card.
But I heard that out of the 12 packs, there is only 1 Galleon card.

I was lucky as I got 1 Galleon super rare card on the first day of my exchange.
I also managed get a whole set of the super rare cards on the 4 exchanges.

5 of these "Big AK" cards can exchange for a super rare card.

The super rare card packets (Front).

Super rare card packet (Back).

Collected one whole set of the super rare card.